Monday, March 1, 2010

Mabel's Labels Contest -

Mabel's Labels is having a contest. They are searching for a new blogger to write for them for one year and attend the BlogHer '10 conference in New York this summer. How do you enter?  Well, we are to write a post on our blog in response to the following hypothetical situation:

Heading our way, an electrical storm is coming and after it passes it will have wiped out the Internet, perhaps forever. You have one day left to write about your passions: what do you want to say to the blogosphere in 300 words or less.

So, here we go, this is my entry.

Crap,  an electrical storm is coming and it's believed the internet will be wiped out forever by it.

What am I going to do?

Just when I have found my own little niche that I can go to.  I am going to be lost.   I am forever looking to quench that unsatisfied thirst to find an answer to whatever it is that’s boggling me down.

I rely on all of you,  and you're there when I need you.

I know I spend way too much time here.

I can let my thoughts out knowing you aren’t judging me.   I've made friends here.  That’s what pulls me thru these winter blues,and puts the sunshine back into my days.

Now what am I going to do?
Looking around my house, I can see how my mood affects it. Yep, it gets a little out of hand at times, that’s the ADD in me.   Now with the demise of the internet on its way, I must be forced to face the demons of clutter and get a grip on what I let slack because of my incurable distraction with the internet.

I know what I'll do....  I will open that package of Mabel’s labels I have and tackle one space at a time.  These labels are going to help me do something that I have been craving to do for some time, get organization into my life.

Then, if we ever get our beloved internet again, I will be able to show and tell you all about the new adventure I went on. I'll be creating a new niche in my life with these awesome labels telling me where to put things and reminding me that everything has a place of its own.

Wish me luck!
I’ll take pictures

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I love your take on it. Feel free to add a link here as well for others to read and enjoy!
