Saturday, November 21, 2009

Your What??

I don't usually rant, but I just don't get those "I'm sorry" people. Yeah, we all say it. But then there are those that continually say it. It's those people I'm talking about. I just want to smack them upside the head after hearing it 5, 6, 7 times. Ugh, Case in point, there's this person that whenever she forgets something or messes up or just does anything. It is followed by a string of I'm sorrys. It just bugs the ---- out of me.

Oh, I'm sorry
Oh yeah, I should know that, I'm sorry
I'm sorry can I get that?
I'll remember that next time. I'm sorry.
Oops, sorry about that

Smack her upside the head and tell the broken record to knock it off. It just doesn't seem real when someone says I'm sorry all the time. It's kind of just a phrase to them instead of using the words for when you really need to. Like when you mess up. Not when you just do something stupid.

Do you know what I mean?
Alright, I'm done, just had to get that off my chest.
And if I offended you.....then I'm sorry.

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